The initial plan was for us to do our DIY's first (reason why we decided to go the night before the race) when we get there and then discuss our sponsorship contracts. However, because we were all tired and the weather wasn't at all cooperating, we just ended up having dinner at Xtremely Xpresso (our newest sponsor, by the way).
We were up as early as 5:30 the next morning for preps and to get the best parking slots. Here's what we found outside Philip's house (where we stayed for the night):
Imagine how wet the road was at the raceway! Because the track was slippery and visibility was so poor, we were required to do one orientation run before we actually did the timed laps. Bracket times were also deferred 2-3 secs due to the weather conditions (translate: water puddles on the track) so most of the players decided to join Bracket G.
According to the organizers, Sir Kookie and Ms Menchie, this was the worst weather RWYB has ever seen. That didn't stop us though, because the Motorports Crew still managed to bag several podium finishes:
Bracket G: 3rd place - Patrick Sison (phat_tricks)
Bracket F: 2nd place - Philip Velasco (p L i p)
Bracket D: 2nd place - Edwin Rodriguez (edwin)
Unfortunately, White hawk got into an accident...

Get well soon, MLPH MSC supports you.
While Tammy and I ended up having a breakout with 56 low & 57 high sec for Bracket C, which is supposed to be 58+ secs. Darn! I should've stopped for 1 sec a meter or two before the finish line.. lol.
We were all tired at the end of the day but it was all worth it. My take away ----
"Real Racers drive on wet track, posers dont" -- kookie R.
Almay drove back home, I ask her to push tammy a bit. She did make 160 kph along SCTEX, wet condition, too bad wasnt able to document it...
Imagine how wet the road was at the raceway! Because the track was slippery and visibility was so poor, we were required to do one orientation run before we actually did the timed laps. Bracket times were also deferred 2-3 secs due to the weather conditions (translate: water puddles on the track) so most of the players decided to join Bracket G.
According to the organizers, Sir Kookie and Ms Menchie, this was the worst weather RWYB has ever seen. That didn't stop us though, because the Motorports Crew still managed to bag several podium finishes:
Bracket G: 3rd place - Patrick Sison (phat_tricks)
Bracket F: 2nd place - Philip Velasco (p L i p)
Bracket D: 2nd place - Edwin Rodriguez (edwin)
Unfortunately, White hawk got into an accident...

Get well soon, MLPH MSC supports you.
While Tammy and I ended up having a breakout with 56 low & 57 high sec for Bracket C, which is supposed to be 58+ secs. Darn! I should've stopped for 1 sec a meter or two before the finish line.. lol.
We were all tired at the end of the day but it was all worth it. My take away ----
"Real Racers drive on wet track, posers dont" -- kookie R.
Almay drove back home, I ask her to push tammy a bit. She did make 160 kph along SCTEX, wet condition, too bad wasnt able to document it...